Tony turned to Thor and said, "Looking at the fighting on the ground, there was a fierce battle here, but it wasn't just one. Especially after that Red Skull guy died, there were still traces of intense fighting. Look at this scorched earth, it shows that the other party used electricity, because Captain wouldn't use this kind of attack. To be honest, I'm worried about him.",Guan Heng grasped the peachwood sword, slowly lowered his hand, and whispered, "Sigh, you're right." But then he abruptly raised his face: "But old man is fed up with this game of chase! For a full ten years, I've only been running after you, it's driving me to boredom! So...",Tony opened his Iron Mask and explained what had happened. Guan Heng clapped his thighs excitedly: "That means my exorcism techniques and corpse-destroying secrets can finally be used! Haha, I promise you! Let's take down those bird corpses and that supervillain together! Hey hey, even I, Guan Heng, want to become a superhero!" Although he was a Taoist priest, he wasn't unfamiliar with comics and movies. He knew quite a bit about these superheroes!。